Ensure people can find the information they need on your site. Power your site with the most relevant site search technology to improve access to the right information. Report on behaviour and understand usage. Drive powerfull user interaction through topic pages. Effective site search will improve your end user experience.
Our site search solution can bridge the gap between your audience and the information you offer providing you with the following advantages:
Elevate user satisfaction as visitors easily locate the information, products, or services they desire, resulting in longer engagement and reduced bounce rates.
Gain deep insights into user behavior and preferences through comprehensive behavior reporting, allowing you to fine-tune your content strategy and cater to user needs effectively.
Transform content discovery into a frictionless process, enabling users to navigate through your website's intricate pathways effortlessly.
Our solutions are designed for easy integration into your existing website framework, minimising downtime and technical challenges during implementation.
Site search functionality also contributes to your website's search engine optimisation (SEO) efforts. User engagement with the search feature can provide insights into trending keywords and user intent.
Built To Be Integrated With Your Stack